-Australian Author-
Novels, short stories, flash fiction;
Mat Clarke crafts all these and many more
Please visit Mat Clarke's site at World Writers Collective: Mat Clarke
Suspensful thrillers have a way of keeping you engaged with the story and urging you to read more. This is the talent "Mat Clarke" has wrenched from his creative mind and littered onto digital and paper pages. See below for his latest work: Nine 'til 9 Short Stories!
Nine 'til 9
Short Stories
A collection of 9 short stories, each one quite different. The majority fit within the thriller genre, yet many stretch themselves outside of this restriction and become something more. You'll be taken on adventures, chilled to your core and surprised at the sometimes unusual paths the characters walk (or run).
Mat has written a new show for Melbourne - TheatreStreet
If you're Out and About in Melbourne and free on Saturday during the day, come along and enjoy a fun explorative show in Melbourne's street and discover what TheatreStreet is all about! CLICK for more information and TICKETS: TheatreStreet
How Mat Clarke can help you with your writing, and share more of his work with you
If you are a writer, then you will want to become part of the writing network where information is posted regarding all things writing and reading: facebook.com/MelbWriters
For those who live in the Melbourne area, I also run a writing group. We meet a number of times a week, and what we do ranges from being a social chat about our work, to writing and reading out our work. See the meetup.com site and discover how the Melbourne Writers can assist you: meetup.com/The-Melbourne-Writers-Meetup-Group